Advertising Guidelines

For Havener Center and Innovation Lab

Failure to comply with these regulations will be subject to appropriate action from Student Involvement

Advertising Rules & Regulations

  • For posting marketing or promotional materials in Havener Center or Innovation Lab, submit materials to Havener Center Information Desk for approval. 
  • To post materials on campus, student organizations must be recognized by the university. Special consideration may be given to organizations seeking recognition.
  • No materials shall be pasted, nailed, taped, stapled, or otherwise attached to any part of the interior or exterior (including windows & doors) of university buildings, light posts, or trash receptacles.
  • Materials cannot promote the consumption of alcohol or use of tobacco.
  • Sponsoring organization(s) must be identified on all materials.
  • Provide contact information on promotional materials such as email, website, etc.
  • Statements and/or pictures interpreted as discriminatory, illegal, or negatively directed at other students, faculty, staff, or student groups is prohibited.

Specific Guidelines

  • Banners must include organization name, contact information, time, date, and location.
  • Font should be visible from 30+ ft away (300 pt, bold).
  • Printed banners work best.
  • Minimum size of 4’ x 6’.
  • Maximum size of 7' x 9'.
  • No promotion of alcohol, drugs, or their consumption.
  • No lewd language or imagery that can be offensive.
  • No political or polarizing advertisements.
  • There is limit of 30 days for banners to hang in Havener Center.
  • Chalkings are allowed on horizontal concrete surfaces only. Do not chalk on the sides of buildings.
  • Chalking of campus is only allowed in three locations on campus: Havener Center east entrance sidewalk, Computer Science mall area (space between HSS and CompSci buildings), and Puck Main Mall area (sidewalks between Toomey and Parker/Fulton halls).
  • Textured concrete areas and the Atom Circle area are strictly prohibited from being chalked.
  • Chalking requests may only be granted for a period of seven days and are subject to renewal.
  • Chalkings must include organization identification.
  • The chalking organization must remove all chalkings within two business days of event request expiration.
  • Chalkings must be able to be removed with water.

The following guidelines will be used when student organizations request permission to co-sponsor activities with non-university groups or post promotional materials reflecting co-sponsorship. Restrictions apply to all businesses, including those that distribute/sell alcohol.

  • All co-sponsored activities must be the same type of activity normally sponsored by the student organization and not in conflict with the mission of the University.
  • Promotional materials should reflect the name(s) of co-sponsor(s).  Student organizations have the option of listing all or none of co-sponsors.
  • The corporate name, not the product name, must be included.
  • All other co-sponsors must be notified if the event is co-sponsored by an alcohol distributor and/or producer.
  • Student Involvement and Event Services staff approval is needed if large visual displays are to be used on university property.
  • Posters reflecting business co-sponsorship may not be placed on departmental bulletin boards.  This would be considered advertising on campus.  However, such posters may be placed in mailboxes of fraternities, sororities, residence halls, and those places where student participants reside. 
  • Corporations MAY NOT use student groups solely for advertising purposes.
  • Posters produced and/or supplied by the co-sponsor may not be posted on campus when the product is the most prominent feature of the poster.


You may submit an announcement or news to the eConnection at


Social Media Guidelines

As a manager or content creator for your university-affiliated social media account, you’ll find these social media guidelines will help you develop a social media strategy that is consistent with Missouri S&T’s identity. These guidelines also include best practices to help you build, create, maintain and monitor your social media presence, whether you are a seasoned social media manager or just beginning to explore social media options.

Each building on campus has a different process for hanging flyers. If you are unsure, there is usually a front desk or office assistant that you may ask in each building. Do not use tape to hang flyers. Only hang flyers in the designated areas.

  • Student Involvement: Submit flyers to the front desk and the student employee on duty will hang these for you
  • Havener Center: Submit three flyers to the Information Desk for approval; for flyers in dining areas, you will need to get approval from Dining Services
  • Residence Halls: Submit flyers to the front desk of each hall
  • McNutt Hall: Multiple bulletin boards organizations may use freely, but avoid the boards that are labeled for specific purposes
  • Engineering Management: Submit flyers to the third-floor offices and for approval and flyers will be hung for you
  • Computer Science: Post on large bulletin board in main hallway up the stairs, avoid using boards that are labeled for specific purposes
  • Emerson Electric Hall: Main bulletin board on ground floor (entrance across from room G31 lecture hall)
  • Humanities and Social Science: Board outside room G5 and two bulletin boards outside main offices
  • Library: Submit to front desk for approval and then you post on “post” right inside main door
  • Norwood Hall: A bulletin board can be found on the second floor across from CDSW (Counseling, Disability Support, Student Wellness)
  • Butler Carlton Hall: Submit flyers to the main office for approval and you post in the back bulletin board (toward room 125)
  • Physics: There are several bulletin boards organizations may use freely, but avoid the boards that are labeled for specific purposes
  • Rolla Building: Second floor lounge area provides a bulletin board that organizations may use freely
  • Fulton Hall: Bulletin board located near lounge area
  • Centennial Hall: Large bulletin board on first floor, you must supply your own tape to post on the main doors
  • Schrenk Hall: Most boards are labeled for specific societies and departments, some additional boards are available, however, table tents for the lounge area are recommended
  • Toomey Hall: Submit to the main office for approval and you can post on newsstand that faces the main mall between Toomey Hall and Parker Hall, also can post on small black board that is outside those doors, and classrooms have bulletin boards as well
  • Harris Hall: Enter the door facing Engineering Management and head up the first three stairs to the 1st floor and go the Economics Office to submit flyer to secretary to be posted

Havener Center

  • Submit example of table tent to Event Services, 216 Havener Center for approval.
  • Table tents must be standing – no flyers or post cards are to be on tables.
  • Table tents may be posted two weeks prior to event - you are in charge placing and removing tents.
  • Table tents may be placed on first and second floor atrium tables only.


S&T Dining Services

  • Table tents are to be approved by Olivia Boff, Havener Center Room 109.



  • Submit tent to front desk for approval.